ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Quasi-autonomous non-government organisation

A quasi-autonomous non-government organisation (shortened as QANGO) is like a group that works to help people, but it's not a part of the government like police officers or firefighters. It's kind of like if you and your friends made a club to help out in your community, but you get some money and other things from the government to help you do it.

So, a QANGO works to do what government can't or won't do, but it gets some support from the government to help it do its work. This means that a QANGO is doing things that are important to people, but it's not actually the government doing it.

Sometimes, QANGOs can be responsible for things like helping families in need, providing health care, or protecting the environment. They might be a lot like a superhero team, but instead of fighting crime, they work to help people.