ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

RISKS Digest

Okay, so Risks digest is sort of like a book or a newsletter that talks about things that might be dangerous, harmful, or have risks involved. Let's say you want to go for a hike in the mountains. Risks digest would tell you about things you need to know, like how to dress warmly, what kind of food and water to bring, and what to do if you see a wild animal.

It's a bit like having a friend who knows a lot about safety and they tell you things you need to know so you can avoid getting hurt. Risks digest has been around for a long time, since 1985, and it talks about lots of different topics that might be risky, like how to stay safe on the internet, what to do in an earthquake, and what kind of toys are safe for kids to play with.

Risks digest helps people make informed decisions about things that might be risky or dangerous so they can stay safe and avoid getting hurt.