ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reform of the date of Easter

Okay buddy, so you know how Easter is a special holiday that comes around every year? Well, the date of Easter is decided using a really old method that was created centuries ago. But some people think the method is a little confusing and outdated, so they are trying to change it.

You see, Easter is always celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon that happens on or after March 21. This might sound simple, but it’s actually quite complicated because the date of the full moon and the date of March 21 can change from year to year.

So some people want to make it easier to remember the date of Easter by fixing it on a specific day or date each year, just like Christmas is always on December 25th. One proposed solution is to always have Easter on the second Sunday in April, which would make it easier for people to plan and celebrate.

But changing something as important and traditional as the date of Easter is not an easy decision to make. Lots of different groups and churches have their own opinions on how to reform the date, so it might take a while before everyone agrees on a new way to celebrate this special holiday.