ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Relocatable Object Module Format

Okay, imagine you're building a big toy castle out of LEGO blocks. Each block represents a different part of the castle - the walls, the towers, the drawbridge, and so on. Now suppose you want to move your castle from one room to another. You don't want to take it apart and rebuild it every time. Instead, you want to move it as one big piece. That's kind of like what a relocatable object module is.

A relocatable object module is a bunch of code that has been put together and packaged up like a toy castle, with all its different parts (or "sections") in one place. But the important thing is that this code can be moved around - or "relocated" - without having to be taken apart and rebuilt.

This is really useful for computer programs, because it means the different parts of the program can be compiled and packaged up separately, and then put together when the program is actually run. This makes it easier to update or modify different parts of the program without having to recompile everything from scratch.

So think of a relocatable object module like a LEGO castle, that's been packaged up so you can move it around without having to take it apart. And just like you can modify or update pieces of the castle, you can modify or update parts of a program without having to start from scratch every time.