ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reservation station

Okay kiddo, let me explain what a reservation station is. Imagine you're in a big store with lots of things to buy. You want to buy a toy car, but the toy car aisle is crowded with other people also wanting to buy toys. You go to a special place in the store where you can tell the store workers which toy car you want. This special place is like a reservation station.

In a computer, there are many things that want to use the CPU, like adding numbers or moving information. But just like the crowded toy aisle, many things want to use the CPU at the same time. So, the computer has a reservation station where each task goes and tells the computer what it wants to do.

The reservation station helps the computer organize things by giving each task a special spot so they can wait their turn to use the CPU. This makes sure that the tasks get done in order and the computer doesn't get confused by too many things trying to happen at once.

So, a reservation station is like a special place in a store or in a computer where things can wait their turn to get done. It helps the computer manage lots of tasks at the same time so everything gets done in order!