ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reuse metrics

When we talk about "reuse metrics," we're basically trying to figure out how much we're able to use something again instead of throwing it away and getting a new thing. Let's take a toy car as an example. Let's say you have one toy car and you play with it every day for a month. That means you've used it 30 times. But now, let's say you give that toy car to your little brother to play with. He plays with it every day for another month. That means the car was used 60 times in total (30 times by you and 30 times by your brother).

So, when we talk about reuse metrics, we might want to know things like how long something lasts (in this case, the toy car), how many times it can be reused, and how much money we can save by reusing something instead of always buying new things. By keeping track of these metrics, we can make better decisions about what we should buy and when we should throw things away. And, by reusing things whenever possible, we can help the environment and save ourselves some money too!