ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Revolutionary movement for Indian independence

Okay kiddo! Remember when we talked about how India used to be ruled by a group of people from another country called the British? Well, some people in India didn't like that very much. They thought it wasn't fair that the British were in charge and making all the important decisions.

So, these people who didn't like the British being in charge decided to do something about it. They started a big group called the revolutionary movement for Indian independence. This group worked to try and get India to become its own country, without the British in charge.

But, it wasn't easy. The British were very powerful and didn't want to give up their control over India. So, the people in the revolutionary movement had to come up with ways to fight against them. They organized protests, strikes, and even some people fought back with violence.

Many people in India joined this movement and worked together to try and gain their independence. They wanted to have a say in how their country was run and to have more freedom for themselves and their families.

Finally, after many years of hard work and dedication, India was able to break free from British rule and become its own independent country. It was a long and difficult journey, but the revolutionary movement for Indian independence played a huge role in making it happen.