ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Scope (programming)

When you are programming, you have to remember things like numbers, words, and instructions. "Scope" means where in the program you can see or use those things that you remember.

Think of it like a game of hide-and-seek. If you hide behind a big tree, the other players can't see you unless they come very close. If you hide behind a tiny rock, it's easy for everyone to see you.

In programming, the things you remember (like numbers and words) are called "variables". The rules of the game say that each variable has a certain scope, which means where in the program it can be seen and used.

If a variable has a small scope, it's like hiding behind a tiny rock - everyone can see it easily. If it has a big scope, it's like hiding behind a big tree - some parts of the program can't see it unless they get very close.

Sometimes, you might want a variable to have a big scope so that you can use it in many different parts of the program. Other times, you might want a variable to have a small scope so that it doesn't interfere with other parts of the program. It depends on what you are trying to do.