ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Sebsi is a special smoking tool that is popular in North African countries like Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. It is kind of like a pipe, but instead of using tobacco, people use dried herbs or leaves from a plant called "kif" to smoke.

Here's how it works: The sebsi has a long, thin pipe, a small bowl at the end of the pipe, and a hole on the side. First, you put the dried herbs into the bowl. Then, you light the herbs with a small match or lighter. As you inhale through the pipe, the smoke from the burning herbs goes into the pipe and into your mouth.

Sebsi is often used as a way to relax, hang out with friends or family, or to celebrate special occasions. It has been used in North African cultures for a very long time, and is a symbol of their hospitality and welcoming nature. However, it is important to remember that smoking anything can be harmful to your health, so be careful if you decide to try a sebsi.