ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Severity Order

Okay kiddo, when we talk about severity order, it means we're putting things in a line from the most important to the least important in terms of how bad they are.

Let's say we're playing a game where we have to sort fruits based on their ripeness. If we have a basket of bananas, some are yellow and some are green, which ones are the most ripe and which ones are the least ripe? We can say that the yellow bananas are more ripe than green ones. So, we put the more ripe bananas first and the less ripe bananas last. This is a way of creating a severity order.

In real life, people use severity order to prioritize things that need attention. For example, if someone gets hurt, doctors use a severity order to decide who needs to be helped first. That means someone who is bleeding heavily will be treated before someone with a tiny scratch. It's important because it helps doctors know where to focus their attention and resources.

So, in simpler terms, severity order is when we make a list of things from the most important to the least important, so we can focus on what needs attention first.