ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Slovak Republic (1939-45)

Okay kiddo, I'll do my best to explain the Slovak Republic from 1939-45 to you in a way you'll understand.

So, imagine there's a group of kids who live in a big house together. One of the kids, let's call him Germany, is really big and likes to tell the other kids what to do. Another kid, Slovakia, wants to be special and have his own room in the house instead of sharing with the other kids.

One day, Germany decides he wants Slovakia to be his friend and helps him make his own room in the house. But Germany also tells Slovakia that he has to do what Germany says, because he's so big and strong. This makes Slovakia feel important, but also a little scared.

So, Slovakia starts doing what Germany says and even helps him with some things. But then Germany starts making Slovakia do things he doesn't want to do, like being mean to some of the other kids in the house. Slovakia doesn't like this, but he's still scared of Germany and doesn't know what to do.

Eventually, other bigger kids come and make Germany leave the house. Then, Slovakia gets to be on his own again and decides he doesn't want to be mean to the other kids anymore. He tries to make things right and be a good friend to everybody.

So, in real life, the Slovak Republic was a country that was "friends" with Germany during World War II. Slovakia was allowed to have its own government and some autonomy from Germany, but it still had to do what Germany said. The country had some dark moments when it did bad things to Jewish people and other minorities, but eventually the war ended and Slovakia became its own independent country again.