ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Snow removal in Montreal

Hey buddy! Do you like snow? It sure looks nice when there are snowmen and snowballs to play with, right? However, when there's so much snow on the ground that you can't even walk without falling or slipping, it's not very fun anymore. That's why grown-ups in Montreal have to do something called snow removal, which means they clean up all the snow from the streets, sidewalks, and other public areas.

Now let's see how they do it. First, when it snows a lot, big trucks with snow plows attached to their fronts go around the city, clearing the snow from the main roads. The plows push the snow to the sides of the road, forming huge piles of snow which look like mountains!

After the main roads are cleared, it is time to take care of the sidewalks. People who own homes or businesses are responsible for clearing the snow from their own sidewalks. They have to shovel the snow away or use a snowblower, which is like a big vacuum cleaner that sucks up the snow and blows it far away. This is to make sure that people can walk safely on the sidewalk and don't slip and fall.

Then, it's time for the city to remove the snow mounds left behind by the big trucks. This is usually done at night because it's easier to work when there's less traffic. The snow is loaded onto trucks and driven away to designated snow disposal sites, which are special areas to store large amounts of snow. Once the snow melts, the water will flow into rivers and ponds.

Overall, snow removal is really important in a city like Montreal because it helps keep the streets and sidewalks safe and clear for everyone. It takes a lot of work and cooperation among citizens, homeowners, and the city to get it done, but together, they make sure that people can go about their daily lives without slipping or getting stuck in the snow!