ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Socialist Unity Party of Germany

Okay kiddo, the Socialist Unity Party of Germany is a group of people who believe in sharing things equally between everyone in the country, especially when it comes to things like money, resources and power.

This party used to run the country of East Germany until it was reunited with West Germany in 1990. Back then, they controlled pretty much everything in East Germany, from the government to the media to the schools.

They believed that all people should be treated the same, and that there should be no rich or poor people, and no one should have more power than others. They also believed in the idea of communism, which means that everything belongs to everyone and no one person can own things on their own.

Nowadays, there are still some people who follow the ideas of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, even though they are not in power anymore. They believe that the government should help the people who need it the most, and that everyone should have access to the same opportunities in life, no matter where they come from or what they look like.