ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Software testing

Software testing is basically like having a computer double-check something you made.
Whenever you create a website, an app, or any other kind of software, it can be hard to make sure it works the way it's supposed to.
That's why we use software testing: software testing is a process that helps to make sure that the software works properly and doesn't cause any problems. It's like having a friend test your work before you give it to your teacher: you want to make sure everything is perfect, and it's better to have someone else check your work.
Software testing works by running the software again and again, in different ways and under different conditions to make sure it works the way it's supposed to. Sometimes it can be automated, meaning the computer can do it for you, or it can be done manually, meaning people have to do it. Once it's tested, the software will be better and you can trust that it will do what it's supposed to.