ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Some Answered Questions

Q: What is the internet?
A: The internet is like a big library where you can find information about almost anything. Instead of going to a physical library, you use a computer or a phone to access the internet from anywhere in the world. You can also use it to talk to people, watch videos, and play games with others.

Q: How do computers work?
A: Computers are like big brains that can do lots of things really fast. They use something called a "processor" to think and a "memory" to remember things. When you press keys on the keyboard or click things with the mouse, the computer knows what you want it to do and does it. All the information you see on the computer screen is stored in its memory.

Q: What is artificial intelligence?
A: Artificial intelligence, or AI, is when computers learn to do things on their own without being told exactly what to do. It's like having a really smart friend who can figure out problems you don't know how to solve. They use things like algorithms (step-by-step instructions) to learn and make decisions. AI is used in things like robots, voice assistants, and even in figuring out what movies or songs you might like based on what you've watched or listened to before.

Q: How do I stay safe on the internet?
A: The internet can be a fun and useful tool, but it's important to be careful when using it. Make sure to use strong passwords and never give out personal information like your name, address, or phone number without a parent or teacher's permission. Also, be careful when clicking on links or downloading things from the internet as they could be harmful to your computer. Always ask an adult if you're unsure about something on the internet.