ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Standpoint theory

Standpoint theory says that everyone looks at the world differently based on their personal experiences and where they stand in society. Imagine you and your friend go to the zoo and see an elephant. You may notice different things about the elephant – maybe you notice its huge size while your friend is more interested in its long trunk.

Now, let's say you and your friend are different ages – you are 5 years old and your friend is 10 years old. Since your friend is older, they have had more experience visiting the zoo and may notice different things than you do, like behaviors or patterns they have seen before.

But what if you and your friend were different genders or came from different families or cultures? Your experiences and backgrounds would shape how you see the elephant and the world around you.

Standpoint theory says that everyone's experiences shape how they see and understand the world, and that people who belong to different groups or have different experiences may have completely different perspectives. It is important to recognize these differences and to listen to others' viewpoints so that we can better understand each other and make fair decisions.