ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Subject (programming)

The subject of programming is like a secret language that smart people use to tell machines what to do. Just like how you might tell your friend "please pass the crayons," a programmer tells a computer what to do in a way it understands.

There are many different languages programmers can use to talk to computers, just like how you know different ways to say things depending on who you're talking to. Each language has its own rules and ways of communicating with the computer.

Programmers can create all kinds of things using code, like games or apps that you can use on your phone or computer. They type out lines of code that tell the computer what to do step by step, like a recipe for the machine to follow. It takes lots of practice and patience to be a good programmer, but it can be really fun because you get to make cool things happen with your code!
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