ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Suvorov Military School

Suvorov Military School is a special school for boys and girls that are interested in learning how to be good soldiers. It's named after a famous Russian military commander named Alexander Suvorov.

The school is different from other schools because students have to wear special military uniforms and learn a lot of things that regular schools don't teach, like how to march properly, how to shoot a gun, and how to plan military strategies.

The teachers at Suvorov Military School are also different because they are all either retired soldiers, or people who have a lot of experience in the military. These teachers teach students how to be brave, strong, and disciplined, just like soldiers need to be.

Students who go to Suvorov Military School also get to do some fun activities, like hiking, camping, and playing games that help them improve their physical fitness.

If you go to Suvorov Military School, you will learn a lot of interesting things that will help you become a better soldier if you decide to join the military when you grow up.