ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Technical operator

A technical operator is like a person who works behind the scenes to make sure that everything runs smoothly, kind of like a backstage crew at a show. They make sure that all the different machines and equipment are working properly and that they are doing what they are supposed to do.

Imagine that you are playing with a toy train. You have to make sure that the train is on the tracks, that the track is clean and free of debris, and that the train has enough power to move forward. A technical operator does similar work but with complex machines and equipment, like those found in a factory or power plant.

Their job is to carefully monitor all the different parts of the machine, making sure that each part is doing its job properly, and that everything is working together in harmony. If something goes wrong, they have to figure out what it is, fix it, and get everything back to working the way it is supposed to.

Think of a technical operator like a superhero that saves the day by keeping things running smoothly and making sure everything works the way it is supposed to. They may not wear a cape, but they are essential to keeping our world running!