ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Auspicious Incident

Once upon a time, a long time ago, in the country of India, there was a big festival happening. A king, named Harsha, was very excited about this festival because he loved to celebrate with his people.

One day, while the king was getting ready for the festivities, he was informed of a very strange and unusual incident that had occurred. There was a wise monk who was traveling from one village to another, but due to bad weather, he had to stop by the king's palace.

When the king heard about this, he was very happy and invited the monk to come and speak with him. The monk was very humble and soon the two were having a very amiable chat. But in the middle of their conversation, the king discovered something very strange - the monk didn’t blink at all, not even once!

This made the king very suspicious and instead of continuing their conversation, he told his attendants to keep an eye on the monk, to try and figure out what was going on. To the king's surprise, even after several hours, the monk still hadn't blinked once. This made the king very concerned and he started to wonder if the monk was possessed by some kind of demon.

The king then started to investigate and interrogate the monk very closely, but regardless of all his efforts to elicit a response, the monk remained calm and peaceful, even though he still hadn't blinked.

The people around the king also started to become very worried and they thought that the monk’s presence was bringing bad luck. They were convinced that there was something wrong with the monk and it was a sign that disaster was about to strike.

But in the end, the king realized that there was nothing wrong with the monk – in fact, he was just a person like everyone else. Over the years, this incident became very famous and was known as the “auspicious incident” because it revealed the king's true character and how he was able to overcome his suspicions and prejudices.

So, think of it like this - the king thought something strange was happening because the monk didn't blink, and he started to investigate to find out what was going on. But when he couldn't find anything out of the ordinary, he realized that he had been mistaken and that there was nothing unnatural or ominous about the monk’s behavior. In the end, the king learned to be more open-minded and accepting of different people and ideas.