ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Hamnet Players

Do you like playing games, little one? Well, some people really like playing games with their friends over the internet, but sometimes the internet can be really slow or not work at all. That’s where the hamnet players come in!

The hamnet players are a group of people who have set up their own special kind of internet just for playing games with their friends. It doesn’t use the same internet connection that we use to look up videos or send emails. Instead, they use special radio waves that can send signals over long distances without needing any cables or wires.

First, they set up a bunch of radio towers or antennas in different places. These towers are like big megaphones that shout out to the other towers, asking if anyone wants to play a game. If someone does want to play a game, they respond and the towers send signals back and forth to each other. Then the game can start!

The hamnet players have to be really careful, though, because they can’t just use any radio waves. Some radio waves are already being used by other devices, like phones, TVs, or even the government. That’s why they have to pick a special kind of radio wave that doesn’t interfere with everything else.

So, in summary, the hamnet players are a group of people who use special radio waves to set up their own internet just for playing games with their friends. They have to be careful not to use the wrong kind of radio waves or interfere with other devices. Isn’t that cool?