ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)

"The Wolf of Wall Street" is a movie about a man called Jordan Belfort. Jordan is a businessman who sets up a company that sells stocks, which are like pieces of ownership in companies.

Jordan wants to make a lot of money and become very successful. He convinces people to invest their money in his company and promises them that they will make a lot of money too. But instead of investing their money in good companies, Jordan and his team sell bad stocks that are worth very little.

Jordan and his team make a lot of money from this, but they also do some bad things to make even more money. They drink a lot of alcohol, do a lot of drugs, and treat women poorly.

The police eventually find out about what Jordan is doing and arrest him. But, because Jordan was able to hide his money so well, he only spends a short time in jail and is able to keep a lot of his ill-gotten gains.

In the end, Jordan realizes that he was wrong to cheat people out of their money and apologizes for what he did.