ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Theresienstadt Ghetto

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the Theresienstadt ghetto.

A long time ago, during a war called World War II, some very bad people called Nazis were in charge of a place called Germany. They didn't like Jewish people, so they made them live in a place called a ghetto.

Theresienstadt was one of those ghettos. It was in a town called Terezin in Czechoslovakia. Over 140,000 Jewish people were sent there, including children and old people.

It was a very bad place to live. There wasn't enough food, water or medicine. People got sick a lot and many died. The Nazis made the Jewish people work hard for the little bit of food and drink they got.

But the Nazis lied to the world about Theresienstadt. They said it was a nice place for Jewish people to live and even invited the Red Cross to come see it. The Nazis put on fake shows and staged areas to make it look like a happy place. But in reality, it was a sad and scary place.

Some people were able to survive the Theresienstadt ghetto, but many did not. It reminds us of how cruel people can be, and why we must always stand up for what is right and treat everyone with kindness and respect.