ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism

Thought reform is the way of changing a person's way of thinking by controlling their environment and experiences. It is like you are playing a game and your teacher is telling you the rules, and you cannot change them. Similarly, in thought reform, someone is telling you what to do and think, and you are not allowed to question or change it.

The Psychology of Totalism is the study of how people can become brainwashed, which means that someone has changed the way you think about everything, and you do not even realize it. It is like somebody put you in a trance, and you cannot snap out of it.

So when all of these things happen together, like when you are in a group where everyone thinks the same way, and they are trying to control what you do and think, it can be very harmful. It can make it challenging for you to think for yourself and make your own choices.

In conclusion, thought reform and the psychology of totalism are ways of controlling a person's way of thinking and behavior without them knowing it. It is not a good thing because it takes away your ability to think for yourself and make your own choices.
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