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Three Books of Occult Philosophy

One day, a long time ago, there was a very smart man named Cornelius Agrippa. He wrote three very special books about something called occult philosophy.

Now, occult philosophy is a fancy way of saying magic and the supernatural. It's like the kind of magic you might see in fairy tales or stories about witches and wizards.

Agrippa's three books talked all about this kind of magic. They talked about how people in ancient times used magic to do things like heal disease, make potions, and predict the future.

The books also talked about how people might use magic in modern times. They talked about spells and rituals that people could use to protect themselves from evil spirits or to make their wishes come true.

Some people believe in this kind of magic and some people don't. But either way, Agrippa's books are very important because they tell us a lot about how people thought about magic a long time ago.