ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tic disorder

Tic disorder is when a person has these things called tics. Tics are like when your body does things that you can't control, like blinking your eyes a lot or making sudden movements or sounds.

Some people have tics that are really small and don't bother them too much, like sniffing or clearing their throat. Other people can have bigger tics, like jumping or shouting out words.

Tics can happen at any time and the person usually can't stop them from happening. It's like when you have to sneeze or when your body needs to scratch an itch, you just have to do it. Tics usually come and go, so they can happen for a little bit and then go away, and then come back again later.

Kids with tic disorder sometimes feel embarrassed or worry about their tics, especially if they have big tics that get a lot of attention from other people. But it's important to remember that having tics is not their fault and they can't just make them stop. Tics are not something they can control, just like you can't control when you get a hiccups.

Luckily, most kids with tic disorder grow out of it by the time they become teenagers. But for some kids, tics can last for a really long time or even into adulthood. For those kids, there are some treatments that can help, like therapy and sometimes medicines, to make their tics less bothersome.

It's important to be kind and understanding if you know someone with tic disorder. Sometimes, people might make fun of them or ask them to stop their tics, but that's not fair. They can't control it, and they need our support and understanding.