ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of Apple Inc. products

Well kiddo, Apple Inc. is a company that makes a lot of cool gadgets like phones, computers, and tablets. They started a long time ago, back in the 1970s.

The first big thing they made was a computer called the Apple II. It was a big hit with people who wanted to use computers at home, not just at work.

Later on, in the 1980s, they came out with something called the Macintosh. It was a computer with a special mouse that you could use to click and drag things on the screen. This was a big change from the way most computers worked before then.

Then, in 2001, they came out with something really amazing - the iPod. This was a little device that could hold a lot of songs, and you could take it with you wherever you went. People loved it, and it helped Apple become an even bigger company.

Soon after that, in 2007, they changed the world again with the iPhone. This was a phone that could do all kinds of things besides just make calls. You could check your email, browse the internet, and even take pictures and videos!

And finally, in 2010, they came out with the iPad. This was a big, flat computer that you could hold in your lap like a book. You could use it to read books, watch movies, and play games.

So, you see, Apple has made a lot of really cool things over the years. And they're always working on even cooler things for us to play with in the future!