ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timeline of social media

Social media is a way for people to communicate with each other online. It started with a website called Six Degrees in 1997. It allowed people to create their own profile and connect with other people.

Then in 2003, a website called MySpace was launched, which let people create and share their own blog posts, music, and photos. This website was very popular with teenagers and music artists.

In 2004, another website called Facebook was launched. This website let people connect with their friends and family all over the world. They could also send messages and share photos with a lot of people at once.

In 2006, Twitter was created. It's like a mini blog that lets people write short messages with links, pictures, and videos.

In 2010, Instagram was launched. It's a photo-sharing website where people can post pictures and allow other people to like and comment on them.

In 2011, Snapchat was created. This is an app that lets people send pictures and videos to each other that disappear after a few seconds.

In 2015, live streaming video services like Periscope and Meerkat were introduced. They allow people to create live videos so that anyone around the world can watch.

Social media has changed the way people connect with each other and share information. It has also allowed people to share their opinions with others, better market their products, and even spread news quickly.