ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tory v. Cochran

Okay, so there was this man named Tory and another man named Cochran. They didn't get along very well and had some problems. One day, Tory accused Cochran of doing something very bad and they went to court to try to figure out who was telling the truth.

The court was like a big room with a judge who makes important decisions, and lots of people called lawyers who help the judge and argue for the people they represent. So, Tory and Cochran had their lawyers with them in court.

Tory said that Cochran did something bad and showed some evidence that he thought proved it. But Cochran's lawyer said that Tory was lying and that the evidence wasn't true. They argued back and forth, trying to convince the judge who was right.

In the end, the judge listened to both sides and looked at all the evidence. After thinking about it, the judge decided that Cochran didn't do the bad thing that Tory was accusing him of. So, Cochran won the case and didn't get in trouble.

But even though the case is over, Tory and Cochran still might not be friends. It's not always easy to forgive and forget, even when things go to court.