ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transfer secret

Imagine you have a secret that you want to give to a friend, but you don't want anyone else to know what it is. You can tell your friend the secret either in person or over the phone, but what if someone is listening in and hears it too? That wouldn't be good, right?

That's where transfer secret comes in. Transfer secret is like a special code that only you and your friend know. When you want to tell your friend a secret, you first put it into this code, and then you give your friend the code.

It's like having a secret language between you and your friend: as long as no one else knows the language, no one else can understand what you're saying. So even if someone is listening in, they won't be able to figure out what the secret is.

And that's how transfer secret works: it keeps your secrets safe by making sure only the people who are supposed to know them can understand them.