ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

URL shortening

URL shortening is like giving a long word a nickname! Sometimes web links are really long and difficult to remember, especially if you want to share them with your friends. So, to make it easier, people created a tool called URL shortening.

Imagine you have a really long word like "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" and you want to make it shorter so your friends can remember it. So you give it a new name, like "superword" -this new name is shorter, simpler and easier to remember, right?

Well, that's what URL shortening does with long web links. It takes a long and complicated web link, and it makes it shorter by creating a new link that points to the original one, but is much easier to remember and type.

For example, instead of sharing this long web link:


You can use a URL shortening tool to create a new, short link:


This shorter link leads to the same video, but is much easier to remember and to share with your friends!