ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unruh effect

The Unruh Effect is a strange thing that happens in space-time. It's named after a scientist called Bill Unruh, who figured it out.

Basically, if you move around in space-time (like astronauts do when they go into space), you will experience strange effects. For example, the air around you will suddenly become very hot, like it is burning.

Why does this happen? Here's the scientific explanation: space-time is like a giant fabric and when objects like astronauts move through it, they cause ripples and waves. When these waves hit other objects, like particles of air, the energy from those waves transfers to the particles, making them really hot.

Some people like to think of this like when a boat is moving in a lake - it creates waves that hit the rocks on the shore and make them hot. That's kind of like what's happening with the Unruh Effect!