ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Use case diagram

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy box full of different toys, like your favorite teddy bear, a puzzle, and a toy car. Now, when you want to play with one of these toys, you need to pick it up and use it, right?

Well, a use case diagram is kind of like a toy box for a computer program. It helps programmers figure out all the different things that people might want to do with the program, like a toy box helps you decide which toy to play with.

So, let's say we're making a program that lets people order pizza online. Some of the things people might want to do with the program include:

- Choose the toppings they want on their pizza
- Enter their delivery address
- Pay for their pizza
- Track the status of their pizza order

Each of these things is called a "use case" because it's a specific way that someone might use the program. We can draw a diagram that shows all the different use cases for the pizza ordering program.

On the diagram, we'll draw a rectangle in the middle for the pizza ordering system. Then, we'll draw little stick figures outside the rectangle to represent the different people who might use the program (like customers or delivery drivers). Finally, we'll draw lines connecting the stick figures to the rectangle to show which use cases they're involved in.

So, in our example, we might draw a stick figure of a customer and connect them to the use cases for choosing pizza toppings, entering their address, paying for their order, and tracking the order status.

By making a use case diagram like this, programmers can make sure they understand all the different things people might want to do with the program before they start building it. Just like how you need to decide which toy to play with before you start playing with it!