ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes people want to send each other files like pictures or documents through email or the internet? Well, uuencoding is a way to change those files into plain text so they can be sent more easily.

Here's how it works: First, the file is divided up into little chunks called "bytes". Each byte is made up of 8 little pieces called "bits". Then, the computer takes each of these bytes and changes it into a special code made up of letters, numbers, and symbols.

These codes are much safer to send through email or the internet because sometimes those places can't handle certain chunks of data. But, these special codes can be changed back into the original file pretty easily by using a program that knows how to read them.

So, uuencoding is like a secret code that turns your pictures and documents into something that can easily travel through email and the internet. Cool, huh?
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