ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Video game culture

As you know, video games are super fun to play! But did you know that there's a whole bunch of people who love playing them and talking about them with their friends? That's called video game culture! It's basically a community of people who love video games and everything about them.

Video game culture has its own language and social rules, just like any other community. When people talk about video games, they might use abbreviations like "RPG" for role-playing game, or talk about their favorite "easter eggs," which are hidden jokes or secrets that game developers put into their games. Gamers also like to talk about their favorite games and characters, and they might even dress up like them at conventions called "cosplay."

One really cool thing about video game culture is that it's a place where people can come together and make friends over their shared love of games. There are game tournaments where people compete against each other to see who's the best at a certain game, and even charity events where people play games to raise money for good causes.

Overall, video game culture is a really fun and exciting community to be a part of if you love playing video games. Who knows? Maybe you'll make some lifelong friends or even discover your new favorite game!