ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Yahoo! Groups

Yahoo! Groups is like a big online clubhouse where people who like the same things can talk to each other. Imagine you and your friends love playing with toys and building things, and you want to talk to other kids who like that too. So, you go to the clubhouse where you can find rooms full of other kids who also love playing with toys and building things.

In Yahoo! Groups, people can join different groups based on their interests. For example, if you are a fan of a certain TV show, you can join a group that talks about that show. Or, if you like playing video games, you can join a group of other gamers who love video games too.

Once you join a Yahoo! Group, you can talk with other members of the group. You can ask questions, share stories or pictures, and get to know other people who like the same things you do. It's like having a big online playdate with other kids who like the same toys you do!

Yahoo! Groups was a popular website that people used for many years, but it is not available anymore. However, there are many other online communities where people can join and talk about their interests just like Yahoo! Groups.