ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me tell you about Zelph! So, a long time ago, there were people called Native Americans who lived in the land that we now call America. They had stories about their ancestors and some of the stories talked about a man named Zelph.

Now, Zelph was said to be an important man who lived a long time ago and he was part of a tribe of people called the Lamanites. The Lamanites were in a big battle against another group of people called the Nephites. The battle was pretty intense and lots of people were hurt or killed.

One day, a man named Joseph Smith who was the leader of a church called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or LDS, was out exploring the land with some of his friends. They came across a mound, which is basically a big hill made out of dirt and rocks, and they started to dig.

Joseph and his friends found some old bones and artifacts like pieces of pottery and spears. But then, Joseph said he had a vision or a message from God that the bones and artifacts they found belonged to Zelph. He said Zelph was a great warrior and prophet who had fought in a big battle just like the one the Native Americans had talked about.

Some people believe that Zelph really did exist and that Joseph Smith was right about his vision. Others think it's just a made-up story. But either way, Zelph has become a part of the history and mythology of the LDS church and Native American culture.