ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

difference between baking and roasting

Baking and roasting are both cooking methods that use heat.

Baking is when you cook food in an oven with dry heat. This means that the oven has no liquid like water or oil in it. You put the food on a baking sheet or in a baking dish. You might also use a special baking pan or pan with a lid. Baking can be used to cook things like cookies, cakes, muffins, and bread.

Roasting is when you cook food in an oven with wet heat. This means that you use some liquid like water or oil. The food is put on a roasting pan or in a roasting dish. Roasting usually involves cooking the food at a high temperature for a longer amount of time. You can roast vegetables like carrots and potatoes, as well as meats like pork, chicken, and beef.