ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

État québécois

Okay kiddo, so imagine if you and your friends wanted to start your own clubhouse. That's kind of like what the people of Quebec wanted to do a long time ago. They wanted to have their own special place where they could make their own rules and do things their way.

So they made a big decision to become their own "state," which means a group of people living in a specific area with their own government. And they called themselves the "Quebec state," or the "état québécois" in French.

Now, this decision wasn't always easy, and it caused some disagreements with the bigger group of people called Canada. Some people think Quebec should be part of Canada, while others think it should be its own separate place.

But the people of Quebec are proud of their home and their unique culture, so they keep working to make it the best place it can be. That's basically what the "état québécois" is all about. It's a special group of people who want to do things their way and make their home a great place to be.