ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Đạo Mẫu

Đạo mẫu is a traditional Vietnamese religion that includes ancestor worship and spiritual mediums. This religion is kind of like having a special club for your family and friends who have died, where you talk to them and give them offerings to show that you still love and respect them.

The spiritual mediums are special helpers who can communicate with the ancestors on your behalf. These helpers are like a telephone or a message-carrying bird that can pass your messages to your loved ones who are no longer alive. Sometimes these helpers dress up in special clothes and use special tools to get the attention of the spirits.

Many people who follow this religion believe that their ancestors can help protect them and bring good luck to their family. They believe that by properly honoring and respecting their ancestors, they can keep their family bonds strong even after death.

Overall, đạo mẫu is about remembering and honoring those who came before us and keeping their memories and spirits alive in our hearts. Isn't that nice?