ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


'Upa'upa is a type of traditional dance from the island of Tahiti. It is usually performed by groups of people wearing colorful costumes and dancing to the beat of drums and other musical instruments.

When they dance, they move their arms, hips, and legs in a synchronized way to tell stories and express emotions. Some of the movements are slow and graceful, while others are energetic and fast.

The dancers also wear decorations made from natural materials such as feathers, shells, and flowers to add to the beauty of the dance.

In Tahitian culture, 'upa'upa is considered an important part of their identity and heritage. It is often performed at festivals and other celebrations to showcase the beauty and uniqueness of their culture.

Overall, 'upa'upa is a fun and lively way for people to come together and celebrate their culture through music and dance.