ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo, let me explain. So you know how when you want to go to a website, you type in its address, like www.google.com? Well, there are lots of different "domain names" that people can use for their websites.

One of these domain names is called .moe. It's kind of like a special nickname that some websites can have instead of a regular .com or .org. The .moe domain name is mostly used by websites that are related to Japanese anime and manga, which are types of cartoons and comics that are really popular in some parts of the world.

But even though it's used mostly for anime and manga stuff, anyone can actually use a .moe domain name for their website if they want to. It's just a way for websites to stand out and show that they're part of a certain community or culture.

So that's what .moe is all about. It's a special name that some websites use to show that they're into anime and manga stuff, but anyone can use it if they want to be part of that cool club. Cool, huh?