ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1 Samuel 5

Okay kiddo, in 1 Samuel 5 there was a big statue of a god named Dagon that some people believed in. But one day, the enemies of the people who believed in Dagon captured the statue and put it in their temple as a trophy.

But something strange happened. The next morning, the people who worshiped Dagon found their statue knocked over on the ground in front of the altar. They picked it up and put it back next to the altar.

The next morning, they found the statue knocked over again, but this time its head and hands had been broken off. The people were really scared and didn't know what was happening, so they thought God might be punishing them.

They moved the statue to another city, but the same thing happened again – the statue was knocked over and broken. They finally realized that their god was powerless and they had been wrong to worship it. They decided to stop worshiping Dagon and to worship the one true God instead.

So the lesson here is that we should always worship the true God and not false idols, because those idols are powerless.