ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

10/40 window

Imagine a big map of the world, and imagine drawing a box around a specific area. This box is called the "10/40 window."

The 10/40 window is a special area on the map that stretches from 10 degrees latitude to 40 degrees latitude, and it includes countries in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

Now, you might be wondering why this area is important. Well, in this area, there are a lot of people who haven't heard about Jesus and the Bible. They have different beliefs and may never have even heard the name of Jesus before. This means they might not know that there's a God who loves them and wants to have a special relationship with them.

That's where people called missionaries come in. Missionaries are people who travel to different countries to tell people about Jesus and his message of love. Many of them go to the 10/40 window to share the Good News of Jesus with the people who live there.

So, the 10/40 window is important because it's an area where many people haven't heard about Jesus, and missionaries are working hard to share God's love with them.
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