ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


10603 is a number just like how you have your age or your house number. It is made up of three digits: 1, 0, and 6, and they are arranged in a special way to make the number 10603.

Numbers can be used for lots of things, like counting how many toys you have or how much money you have saved. But sometimes numbers can also be used to tell you things, like your own phone number tells someone how to call you.

10603 is a special type of number called a zip code. A zip code is a number that tells the post office where to send your mail. So when you write your name and address on an envelope, you include your zip code so that the post office knows exactly where to send it.

Each zip code covers a specific area, like a city or a neighborhood, and that's why they're important. Without zip codes, the post office wouldn't know where to deliver your mail, and your letters might end up going to the wrong place!