ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine that everyone in the world can be described by certain traits, like being nice, friendly, and helpful or being shy, quiet, and reserved. These traits tell us a lot about a person's behavior and personality.

16pf is a tool that tries to describe a person's traits using a list of 16 different "personality factors." These factors include things like "warmth," "emotionality," "dominance," and "abstractedness."

To figure out what your personality is like, you might take a test that asks you a bunch of questions about yourself. For example, you might be asked if you prefer to spend time alone or with other people, whether you worry a lot, and if you like to take charge of situations.

These questions are designed to help figure out where you fit on each of the 16 factors. Once you've answered them all, your results are compared to other people's results to see how similar or different you are.

Knowing your 16pf results can be helpful for understanding yourself and others better. For example, if you score high in "sensitivity," you might be more affected by criticism than someone who scores low in that factor. Or, if you score high in "vigilance," you might be more attentive to details than someone who scores low in that factor.

Overall, 16pf is a way to help us learn more about ourselves and our tendencies, so that we can better understand and work with others.