ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1812 New Madrid earthquake

A long, long time ago in the year 1812 in a place called New Madrid (pronounced as New May-drid), there was a big earthquake that shook the ground really hard.

So, what is an earthquake, you may ask? Well, it is when the earth’s surface starts to move and shake because of the energy that is released from deep underground. It's like a rumble in the earth.

The New Madrid earthquake was one of the biggest earthquakes ever recorded in North America. It happened because there was a fault line (like a big crack in the ground) under the earth's surface that moved and created the earthquake.

The earthquake caused a lot of damage to buildings and houses in the area. People's homes and even the ground they stood on started to crack and crumble. People felt really scared and didn't know what to do.

The earthquake was so strong that it even caused the nearby Mississippi River to flow backward for a little while. That's how powerful it was!

But it's really important to remember that earthquakes are natural disasters and can be very scary. It is important to learn about earthquakes and make sure we know what to do if one happens so that we can stay safe.