ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1815 eruption of Mount Tambora

In 1815, there was a huge mountain in a place called Tambora. The mountain was really big, much bigger than any mountain you've ever seen before. But one day, the mountain got super angry and threw a huge tantrum called an eruption.

This tantrum was really bad, like the mountain was screaming and throwing things around. There was a lot of hot ash and rocks coming out of the mountain, and it was really scary for the people who lived nearby.

The eruption was so big that it made a lot of noise and even people who were really far away could hear it. The eruption was like a giant sneeze, but instead of boogers, ash and rocks came out.

Because the mountain was throwing so much ash and rocks into the air, the sky got really dark and it looked like night-time even during the day. This made it hard for people to see where they were going and made it really scary.

The eruption was also really hot and made the air around the mountain really hot too. This made it hard for people to breathe and they had to cover their faces with cloth to breathe.

Because of this big tantrum, a lot of people died and many more were hurt. Plants and animals around the mountain were also hurt and some even died too.

The eruption was so big that it changed the climate of the whole world for many years after that. This made it hard for people to grow food and caused a lot of problems for everyone.

So you see, the eruption of Mount Tambora was a really big tantrum that hurt a lot of people and caused a lot of problems for the world.