ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1877 U.S. Patent Office fire

Well, kiddo, imagine there was a big building where people would go to get special papers that said they invented something cool. This building was called the U.S. Patent Office.

But one day in 1877, something bad happened - a fire broke out and it was very big! The fire was so big that it destroyed a lot of the building and many of the papers inside.

Now, those special papers were like certificates that people would get after inventing cool things like machines or gadgets. The papers would say that they were the official person who invented it and no one else could copy their idea without permission.

But because the big fire destroyed a lot of those papers, many inventors lost their proof of being the original inventor. It was like losing a trophy or medal for inventing something really special.

Luckily, the people who worked at the U.S. Patent Office worked hard to rebuild and get back all the information they could. And even though some papers were lost forever, they were still able to help inventors get back their special certificates.