ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1908 Venezuelan coup d'état

When a group of people wanted to take over the government of Venezuela in 1908, they decided to do it by force. They organized a coup d'état, which means they wanted to take control of the country by using violence instead of following the normal rules of the government.

The people who led the coup were upset with the president at that time, named Cipriano Castro. They thought he wasn't doing a good job running the country and they wanted to take over and make things better.

So, on the day of the coup, they gathered a group of soldiers and marched to the presidential palace. They took control of the building and forced Castro to leave the country.

Afterwards, the coup leaders took over the government and started making changes they thought would improve the country. However, not everyone was happy with what they did, and many people protested the coup and the new government's actions.

In the end, the coup led to a new era in Venezuelan politics, but it also caused a lot of political instability and unrest for several years.